Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Forever Alone - we are responsible for our own happiness.
Even how small it may be share it in kindness.
Best of me and even when I am not, I wish it to be.
It is not about heroes but life and the headlock some experience.

Welcome to the wall. It has been a long war. It may be the only home you have, it has no end, till you join those on the wall. Welcome home my friend.
On Amazon

Sunday, May 16, 2021



So, if you’re a Vietnam Veteran not so welcomed home, and have lost contact with those you served with those many years ago, and still wonder about them, just maybe, Forever Alone is a book for you. Closed off from a distant war you may never have completely returned home from. Read how some deal with the memory. It is not about heroes but the headlock some experienced.